Visiting London on a visa UK

For those who want to travel to the UK on a visa UK from Thailand visiting London is a must. There are plenty of places for you to visit and you will experience many different cultures in one place.

Can you visit Europe on a visa UK?

You will not be able to visit Europe on this visa although the United Kingdom is part of the E.U. What you will need to do is apply for a Schengen Visa this can be done in Thailand but you will need to apply to the embassy of the country where the main part of your trip will be. You can visit this visa website for more information on this topic.

Is your visa UK valid for multiple entries?

The answer to this is yes because you visa is valid for the time that is given on the stamp and you can come and go as much as you like.

Things to do in London

Firstly it is recommended that you visit Buckingham palace and Trafalgar square. These are of course the most popular destinations tourists like to go to. Once you are in this area then you can visit big Ben and the London eye. These are again the popular tourist destinations and there are some great monuments that you can see.

For Thai people eating fish and chips is not going to be something high on your list if things to do. You can find these restaurants everywhere so there is no need to visit a special area to get them. But what is recommended to people is to visit Soho and china town. Here you will many different east Asian places to eat and will be able to sample some of the finest duck in London.

Shopping in London with a visa UK

One of the main benefits with shopping in the United Kingdom is you can claim tax back when you shop. To do this you will need to ask for a vat claim receipt. Every shop will have one of these and it will involve filling out a form and giving you details. This does take a bit of time but is well worth it when you think of the money you save. You will need to collect all the receipts and when you go to the airport the claims desk is on the second floor of arrivals. You will need you passport to show your visa UK to them and be prepared to queue for some time.

If you want more help and advice on visiting the United Kingdom or help with your visa then it is best to contact your local agency for help and advice.

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