What happens when you apply for a UK visa online?

Applying for a visa to visit the United Kingdom can be a daunting task especially if it is not in your native language. Today the process of applying for a UK visa online is very simple but the paper-based service is something of the past.

UK visa online application is the only one you can make today

The only application you can fill out today is one that is through the VFS website and you will need to complete the extensive hundred question form and also book an appointment and visit the Bangkok branch for an interview and to hand in your original documents. This has sped up the whole application process and when applying for your UK visa online you should allow plenty of time as they may request extra information or are very busy. It is recommended that you give yourself a lot of time before applying and this usually means a couple of months at least. The reason is because if you are visiting friends and family you may need to provide letters of invitation or even bank statements to show that they will be supporting you. This takes time to arrive from the UK to Thailand so it is important that you plan this well in advance.

The process is pretty simple but even if you do have all the right documents you are still not guaranteed a visa. This could be for a number of reasons like the quota for that period of time have filled up or there are discrepancies in the information that you have given.

To give yourself the best opportunity you can use one of the many Visa agencies that are around Bangkok as these have experience in the application process. They will be able to apply for your UK visa online on your behalf and help you get all of your documents in order. This is probably one of the best ways to do this and also one of the quickest methods. The reason is because they will tell you exactly what documents you are going to need and help you write letters in English language and also you will not get confused by any of the questions in the online form.

What can you do after you have applied successfully for your UK visa online?

Once you do have your UK visa you can visit the country any time you wish before the expiration date and enjoy some of the great tourist destinations that can be found around the country and also sample some of the famous foods. One of the great attractions of the UK is that you can claim your VAT back from the goods that you have bought which means that you can save around 15% of the costs that you paid. This is fully refundable at the airport and you must have all of your receipts to hand when doing this.

You can visit the UK visa Thailand website where you will be a find more information on how to apply online and what sort of documents you’re going to need to make this a successful application.

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