Once you have you visa UK you can visit England and visit the famous sites, study, and shop till you drop

England is still one of the biggest tourist destinations for the world and has many monuments to see and great places to eat. There are also the famous shopping areas where you can find all of the designer bargains you can dream of. But first you must make sure you have the correct paper work and make a UK visa application to the correct agency. If you are in Thailand then you will need to apply at the UK border agency in Bangkok. Here you will be able to make an online application and then visit for the final appointment.

The process is very simple and you can apply UK visa online which is very easy to do and within just a couple of weeks you will have your decision.

What can you do once you have your visa England?

Here are some attractions and things to do once you have arrived in the UK:

  • Firstly it is important to point out that transport will cost you a lot more than in Thailand. The price of a 60 or 70 baht taxi journey in the UK will cost you around 500 baht which is about £10. So check out their public transport system for getting around. They have a great network of trains and buses which will take you almost anywhere you want. Getting around London on the underground system is the quickest way in the city and travelling outside the main city the rail system is very fast and reliable. Just make sure you bring warm clothes if you are going in the winter as some of the stations are outside.
  • Secondly once you have decided on how you are going to travel then you can start your sight-seeing tours. It is recommended to take a tour bus in London if you want to get some great pictures. You visitor visa UK will be valid for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland but you can venture into Europe. If you do cross the border out of the UK you may not be allowed back in unless you have a multiple entry visa. Some of the places in London to visit include Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, The London Eye, and The Natural History Museum.
  • Thirdly shopping in the UK is very popular and this is because it is a heaven for designer clothing and cheap high street brands. Everything from H&M to Primark will have prices that are well below what you are used to in Thailand. Also visiting places like Harrods is a must and dining out in some of their famous restaurants is a great idea.

Studying with a student visa UK

Being a student in the UK is another great way to learn the language and see the country. You can fill out a UK visa application form by going online. It is very simple to do and there is no fuss as long as you do it correctly and have all the paper work. There are a range of places to study and you can also stay with host families who will look after you and make sure that you are safe.

The UK has many things for young people to do from visiting historic monuments to a great night life and pub scene. There are also activities like rock climbing and wind surfing that you can take part in and a whole host of other great sports which a famous in the UK.

Visiting England is a great experience as you can see many different cultures all in one place. Plus you can sample foods from all corners of the globe. One of the most popular foods in the UK is Asian curry, there are many restaurants that serve this food and it is a must that you visit some of these places.

Tips on how you can apply for your UK visa Thailand

  • What you need to do first is to gather all of the right documents together so you can make a successful application. You will need to prove that you have an income in Thailand and that you intend to return home. This is one of the biggest concerns that the UK border agency has as they do not want people trying to stay in the country and work illegally.
  • You can apply for your UK visa online and this is the only way it can be done. Once you have made the application then you can book a UK visa appointment where you will hand over your documents. The application is in English so you will either need to get a friend or a company to help you fill it out if your English skills are not very good.
  • If you meet all of the UK visa requirements then you will be granted entry and can visit any time you like. The minimum stay in the UK is 6 months and if you are applying for longer then you may need to provide more details.

If you visit the UK visa website there is everything that you need on there to help you make an application in full. You may employ an agency to take care of this like what many people that live in Thailand do. This will make it easier for you and you will not waste trips going backwards and forwards to the application centre.

One of the biggest problems with getting a visa UK online is that the form is not filled out correctly and if you are refused entry then you will have to wait at least 3 months before you apply again.

England is a great place to visit and once you have been accepted to travel there you will find it easier in the future as well. There are also full residency and work visas that you can get as well so visit the UK border website and they will have all the information you need.


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